The 10 Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

In recent weeks, companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple have made headlines with a strategy to improve their retention efforts: give existing employees a pay bump before they consider leaving for another gig.

In an article for Forbes, business consultant and leadership strategist Dan Pontefract writes that flexibility, purpose, and internal mobility are all significant factors in retaining workers, but that companies shouldn’t ignore compensation and total reward packages.

“Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon,” he writes, “saw the writing on the attraction and retention wall. It’s a lesson for many organizations. Do you want to spend leadership time you didn’t budget for in 2022 and beyond backfilling roles with talent that has left for similar jobs due to inadequate pay bands?”

To learn more about Dan’s thoughts on compensation — and why it’s key to avoiding what he calls a “jobpocalypse” — be sure to check out the top spot in our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals.

And further down our list, you can also find out why employee recognition (or even a simple “thank you”) can also help with retention; why some workers regret switching jobs during the Great Resignation; and why a well-known organization has decided to pay its interns.

Here are the must-read articles from this week:

1. There’s Not Just a War for Talent, It’s the ‘Jobpocalypse’ (Forbes)

2. There’s a Fairly Inexpensive Way Companies Can Save Millions in Employee Turnover Costs (Fortune)

3. Great Resignation Regret Is Sweeping the Nation as Workers Who Quit for More Money Quit Again: ‘It Sucks to Be Miserable’ (Business Insider)

4. Injecting Radical Transparency Into the Hiring Process (ERE)

5. The ‘Talented Jerk’ and 6 Other Signs It’s Time to Say Goodbye to a Candidate (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

6. Elon Musk to Workers: Spend 40 Hours in the Office, or Else (The New York Times)

7. 3 Ways to Mark Juneteenth — Without Cultural Appropriation (HR Dive)

8. Exclusive: White House to Begin Paying Interns (CNN)

9. The Problem with ‘Hiring for Potential’ as a Key Strategy to Increase Diversity (LinkedIn)

10. Why Workers Should Go Take a Hike (The Wall Street Journal)

This week’s must-listen podcast:

Why Org Charts Matter with Ian White (Punk Rock HR)

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