5 Steps LGBTQ+ Employees Say Companies Can Take to Be More Inclusive

Despite momentous leaps forward in LGBTQ+ rights over the past few decades, the lived experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals in the workforce can range dramatically from one country — or even one company — to the next. 

This unequal footing has left many LGBTQ+ people unsure where they stand at work and in the job market. A new LinkedIn survey of of over 1,000 LGBTQ+ working professionals in the U.S. found that almost a quarter of respondents (24%) are closeted at work because they feel their sexual orientation and gender identity could affect their career growth opportunities. Additionally, 23% do not feel safe sharing their sexual orientation and gender identity because of current events, such as anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, that are impacting the LGBTQ+ community. 

On the flip side, the survey also revealed the good things that can happen when companies foster cultures of belonging and inclusion in the workplace. Among respondents who are open about being LGBTQ+ in the workplace, 54% said that their professional communities were supportive when they came out at work.

Every employee deserves to feel comfortable bringing their true self to work. If you’re not sure which steps will have the greatest impact at your company, here are five things respondents said employers can do to better support the LGBTQ+ community and create an inclusive work environment.

1. Be resolute in your support of LGBTQ+ employees

In the first three months of 2022, nearly 240 pieces of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation were filed across the United States. And yet 59% of LGBTQ+ professionals say their companies have made no statements about this spate of pending bills. Companies that think there is safety in silence should know that 36% of LGBTQ+ professionals said they would consider leaving their current company if they don’t take a clear stance against discrimination and the legislative onslaught.

While statements are a start, LGBTQ+ employees need more than words. Half of LGBTQ+ professionals say their mental health has been affected by recent events and 35% are looking for their companies to provide more mental health resources.

2. Create more safe spaces for LGBTQ+ employees

When companies make it easy for LGBTQ+ employees to find each other and access support when they need it, people feel less alone. Nearly half (48%) of the respondents in a 2020 LinkedIn survey said that it’s important for companies to create these safe spaces for their LGBTQ+ employees.

Setting up a dedicated LGBTQ+ employee resource group (ERG) and holding or participating in events during Pride Month are good first steps. Seeing their companies getting involved in LGBTQ+ events can help employees feel confident that, should they decide to come out at work, they’ll find acceptance and support. 

3. Implement equal opportunity hiring practices to support the LGBTQ+ community

About half (46%) of the respondents in the 2020 survey said companies could implement equal opportunity hiring practices to support the LGBTQ+ community.

This can start as early as the job post. Some companies include a statement about their commitment to diversity and inclusion and highlight any inclusive benefits they offer, like a health care package that covers same-gender partners and transgender medical care. This can signal to candidates that a company is LGBTQ+ friendly, making them more likely to apply. 

Keep in mind that references to participation in LGBTQ+ ERGs or organizations on a candidate’s application may lead to unconscious bias. Some companies have scrapped resumes in favor of other evaluation methods like predictive hiring assessments and one-way video interviews that can combat this kind of bias, giving all candidates a chance to showcase their hard and soft skills. 

4. Clearly communicate policies and protections relevant to LGBTQ+ employees

About half (46%) of the respondents in the 2020 survey said their employer could create more formal protections for LGBTQ+ employees. Unfortunately, some people go to work every day worrying about being harassed or worse because they identify as LGBTQ+. 

The #MeToo movement led many companies to reexamine their policies about sexual harassment against women. But less emphasis was placed on harassment against LGBTQ+ employees, which is shockingly prevalent. A 2019 survey of more than 1,000 LGBTQ+ people in the United Kingdom found that 68% had been sexually harassed at work, with only one-third reporting the incident to their employer. Among those who remained silent, one in four did so out of fear of being “outed” at work. 

In the U.S., even before the 2020 Supreme Court ruling that prohibited workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, 91% of Fortune 500 companies already barred discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and 83% on the basis of gender identity. Of course, such protections can only be fully effective if employees have a way to safely report discrimination and confidence that their employer will take the report seriously. Experts say that spelling out what will happen after a report is filed can go a long way toward encouraging employees to speak up

5. Have more education or bias training for managers and other employees

Nearly half of the respondents in the 2020 survey said that education or bias training for managers (46%) and employees (45%) is a step employers could take to support the LGBTQ+ community. 

While bias training alone is often not enough to promote real change, listening and learning are critical components of creating more inclusive workplaces. ERGs can provide employees and managers the opportunity to learn about the experiences of their LGBTQ+ coworkers, creating greater understanding.

But LGBTQ+ employees should not be expected to do all the work. Resources like this employer’s toolkit and list of gender identity terms can help companies educate themselves and do better for their LGBTQ+ workers and candidates every day. 

Final thoughts

When people feel comfortable bringing their whole selves to work, they can focus on doing their very best work without fear or anxiety. And although there have been major advances here and there, there’s still a way to go before LGBTQ+ professionals around the world can feel that way.

Listen to the needs of your LGBTQ+ employees, ask what you could be doing better, and don’t back away from uncomfortable conversations — because it’s from these conversations that positive change is often born.

*Photo by Harry Cunningham on Unsplash

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