The 10 Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

“Offering remote or hybrid work,” Axios reports, “is turning into table stakes for attracting high-skilled talent.”

Axios comes to this conclusion in their summary of McKinsey & Company’s recent survey, which looked at how 25,000 U.S. respondents are feeling about flexible work. Here are some key stats:

A whopping 87% of respondents would take advantage of a flexible work policy if it was offered at their company. Of those surveyed, 58% said their current role allows for remote work at least part of the time, while 35% said they work remotely all of the time.

Yet remote work may not be offered equitably. McKinsey’s survey found that 75% of people making $150,000 or more have the option to work remotely, while just 47% of those with a salary between $25,000 and $49,999 can do so. The survey also found that men were 9% more likely than women to be offered a position with a remote work policy, despite the fact that women are more likely to take advantage of such a policy.

To learn more about the survey, be sure to check out Axios’s summary at the top of our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals. And further down our list, you can also learn why Gen Z is feeling disconnected in the workplace; why the CEO of Yelp called the hybrid work model “hell”; and how one company created a career fair in the metaverse.

Here are the must-read articles from this week:

1. Almost Everyone Works from Home — If They Can (Axios)

2. Inside Slack’s Bold Bet on Training Formerly Incarcerated People to Be Tech Workers (Fast Company)

3. Gen Z Employees Are Feeling Disconnected. Here’s How Employers Can Help (Harvard Business Review)

4. How To Reduce Candidate Ghosting (LinkedIn)

5. The Importance of Paid Family Leave (Men’s Journal)

6. Yelp Shuts Some Offices, Doubling Down on Remote; CEO Calls Hybrid ‘Hell’ (The Washington Post)

7. TikToker Explains Why Recruiters Don’t Usually Hire the Best Candidate in Viral Video (Yahoo! News)

8. How a Recession Could Weaken the Work-from-Home Revolution (The Atlantic)

9. What Would a Career Fair in the Metaverse Look Like? Capgemini Has the Answer (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

10. Beyoncé’s New Hit Is a Great Resignation Anthem. Where Does That Leave HR Professionals? (HR Dive)

This week’s must-listen podcast:

Happiness at Work (Recruiting Future with Matt Alder)

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