The 10 Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

In a recent survey of over 52,000 workers spread across 44 countries, consulting firm PwC found that 35% of respondents were planning to ask for a salary bump from their current employer. And 20% of those surveyed felt it was likely that they’d switch jobs within the next year — a number that could easily grow depending on how those salary talks pan out.

So for recruiters working for companies or in industries that can’t compete with top salaries, are they simply out of luck? Not so fast. Although PwC’s survey found that 71% of workers would leave their current position for one that pays better, 69% of respondents would also consider a change for better job fulfillment.

The takeaway here? Employees around the world are looking for meaning in their work. And no matter their industry or company size, recruiters can highlight the impact and importance of their open roles to attract top talent — whether that’s by showcasing a powerful mission statement, upping their employer branding game, or aligning a candidate’s values with those of the company.

To learn more about PwC’s survey findings (trust us, it’s well worth your time), be sure to check out the top post in our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals. And further down our list, you can also find out why a successful hybrid work model is still eluding many companies; how managers can help teams during times of uncertainty; and what your recruiter superpower (crystal balling?) may be.

Here are the must-read articles from this week:

1. The Great Resignation Looks Set to Continue — 1 in 5 Say They’ll Change Jobs in the Next Year (CNBC)

2. Recruiters Are Passing Over College Degrees for This Essential Soft Skill (Fast Company)

3. The Market Slows: What Should Employers Do? (Josh Bersin)

4. The Rules for Hybrid Work Were Always Made Up (The New York Times)

5. A Manager’s Guide to Helping Teams Face Down Uncertainty, Burnout, and Perfectionism (First Round Review)

6. The Employee Engagement Cliff Explains Why Many New Hires Quit (ERE)

7. Germany: 1 in 10 People Are ‘Addicted’ to Work, Study Finds (DW)

8. What Does a Four-Day Workweek Mean for the Future of Work? (World Economic Forum)

9. Don’t Just Pay Interns, Help Them Build Networks (Harvard Business Review)

10. Which Recruiter Superhero Are You? (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

This week’s must-listen podcast:

Moving to Salary Transparency (The Recruiting Brainfood Podcast)

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