The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 2% of adults in the country are autistic. That’s 5.4 million people — with many more undiagnosed.

Many autistic adults go to great lengths to hide their disability, especially in the workplace. In a recent article, The New York Times interviewed one woman who changed how she spoke, when she smiled, and where she worked in the office to “hide her disability and come across as a model employee.”

The good news, however, is that many companies are taking steps to be more accessible for neurodivergent employees. Microsoft, for example, has developed a neurodiversity hiring program that includes giving candidates with autism more time to answer questions during an interview; scheduling downtime between interviews; pairing new employees with mentors and managers who have received neurodiversity training; and more.

“So far,” the Times writes, “the initiative has brought in about 300 full-time neurodivergent employees to Microsoft.”

To learn more about Microsoft’s neurodiversity hiring program — and what your company can do to better accommodate autistic workers — be sure to check out the top spot on our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals. 

And further down our list, you can also learn what the pros and cons are of sharing interview questions with candidates before you meet; why white-collar work may be increasingly all about meetings; and why one company decided to be the first to create employee records for AI (yes, that means nonhuman) workers.

Here are the must-read articles from this week: 

1. Employees with Autism Find New Ways to Navigate the Workplace (The New York Times)

2. The Pros and Cons of Sharing Interview Questions Early (Mike Stamp on LinkedIn)

3. White-Collar Work Is Just Meetings Now (The Atlantic)

4. The Simple Candidate Experience Hack That Your Talent Competitors Are Using (Talent Leadership Insights)

5. Talent Density: Solution to a Tough Labor Market or Just Another Buzz Phrase? (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

6. How We’re Working Toward Trans Equity (Culture Amp on LinkedIn)

7. The Next Recession Could Boost Working from Home (Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research)

8. 9 Things Black Women Could Afford If the Wage Gap Were Eliminated (Dr. Raquel Martin on LinkedIn)

9. Lattice Becomes First Company to Give ‘AI Workers’ Official Employee Records (Sarah Franklin on LinkedIn)

10. The State of AI Report (Retool Blog)

Here is the must-listen podcast:

The State of Online Learning with Alice Thompson and Ross Stevenson (The L&D Podcast with David James)
