The Must-Read Articles for Talent Professionals This Week

We’ve all seen the headlines about Gen Z and how they’re approaching — and reshaping — the world of work, but what’s the latest on the generation that preceded them?

“Millennials were defined by a sense of arrested development,” writes Business Insider in a recent article, “a generation suffering from a perpetual failure to launch. But the march of time comes for everyone, and millennials are no exception.”

According to BI, the generation that couldn’t eat enough high-priced avocado toast is no longer seen as the agitators and disruptors of the workplace. Instead, they’re now the ones with children, mortgages, and direct reports who may not want to go to happy hour with them. “Millennials are the adults in the room now,” BI continues. “They’re the responsible ones. It’s neat, but it’s also stressful and scary.”

As millennials settle into their new roles and grapple with the joys and challenges of middle age, companies looking to attract, retain, and upskill them may want to work on adjusting perceptions of this generation. For instance, they’re likely no longer the most tech-savvy employees in the office or the most up-to-date on the latest trends. “Brands are speaking to them differently,” writes BI, “with buzzwords like ‘sensible,’ ‘practical,’ and ‘safe.’” And what should companies make of research that reveals that they may be “reluctant managers” even as they’re promoted into managerial roles?

To learn more and potentially reshape your strategy for tackling all things millennial, be sure to check out BI’s article at the top of our list below of must-read articles for talent professionals. And further down our list, you can find out what Gallup research says are the four reasons workers take a new job; why the emergence of agentic AI should be on every TA leader’s radar; and what often overlooked tactic may help boost retention at your company.

Here are the must-read articles from this week: 

1. Millennials Have a Terrifying New Role (Business Insider)

2. The Top Four Reasons for Taking a New Job (Gallup)

3. No One Is Asking L&D for Data — Should We Be Worried? (Kirstie Greany on LinkedIn)

4. Agentic AI: The Next Evolution in Talent Acquisition? (Matt Staney on LinkedIn) 

5. How to Get Past a Candidate’s ‘Canned’ Stories (LinkedIn Talent Blog)

6. International Women’s Day 2025: 3 Best Practices to Increase Representation Among Women in the Workplace (Jenn Tardy on LinkedIn)

7. Leadership Can Be Lonely, So Bring In Your Peers to Help Work Through Complex Issues (Strategic CHRO)

8. 89% of Corporate Workers Are Facing Mental Health Challenges (Fast Company)

9. How Managers Can Become Career Development Champions (The Edge of Work)

10. Research: To Retain Employees, Promote Them Before the Job Market Heats Up (Harvard Business Review)

Here is the must-listen podcast:

From Athlete to Top Recruiter: How Mindset, Grit, and Drive Helped Caitlin Burke Overcome Cancer and Paralysis (The Elite Recruiter Podcast)
